For many years, we focused most of our energy on the children of our community. This changed when a 17 year old young man murdered his lifelong friend of the same age. We knew both boys when they were 10. Sadly, they gravitated towards a dangerous crowd. After performing a heartbreaking funeral, I felt the Lord say: "They're still your kids." That year we began our 18 and under basketball league which focuses on engaging the disconnected youth of our borough, those without a High School education, low literacy and few job prospects.

High School Girls Team

Many of our players dream of playing in the NBA. Sadly, most of them won't be able too.
But ...
What if our players could play at an NBA stadium surrounded by freinds, family and fans!
Our Championship Finals are held at BARCLAYS CENTER in Brooklyn, where the Brooklyn Nets PLAY.
It has been a great joy to see the dreams of so many of our youth come true as they battle for the 5 Borough Championship in one of the most famous venues on earth!
As Urban Hope sponsors Staten Islands's league and the 5 borough invitational, we have earned great capacity to enrich and encourage hundreds of young men and women throughout our city.

At our Staten Island Championships and 5 borough Championships, our Players hear the Gospel from our beloved Founder Pastor Dave Beidel and other famous NYC evangelists.
Their families and friends get to see how the people of God do whatever it takes to see the next generation blessed, uplifted and inspired.
Together can we make a difference.
We need your help.
We need volunteers
We need financial and visionary partners to help us reach the next generation.
We need your prayers.
Contact us today - we can't do this without you!!

What we offer to Disconnected Youth; Counseling, Mentoring, Life Coaching, Internships, and Leadership Development.
We prepare them for LIFE by offering Resume Preparation and using the Jobs for Life Character Development training. With this foundation, we then offer an easy on-ramp to The Staten Island Workforce One and other employers for gainful employment.
To the "Out of School Youth" (OSOW) who are 16 – 21, we are a conduit for alternative High School settings, notably The Concord High School Transfer school and the Young Adult Borough Center at Tottenville HS, which specializes in assisting Over-Aged, Under-Credited youth with earning their High School Diplomas, offering College Assistance, and Paid Internships. We also have an easy on-ramp to the TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) through Pathways to Graduation at Saint Marks Place in Staten Island.


Coaches find players and mentor them to work together as a unified team of men and woman - Miracle 1

With our army of partners, we groom, educate and mentor these men and woman to enter and succeed in the workplace - Miracle 2

NYACK College
Our Major Partner - NYACK College will assist these wonderful men and Woman with Higher Education - Miracle 3
We started with disconnected youth who have No Education, No Job or opportunities to get a job, No Hope to start a new life and have low literacy skills, which hinders them from achieving anything in life.
Now they are working together as a highly successful team, mentored by highly successful organizations to get a job and start a new life and the opportunity to earn a degree in whatever field they choose by one of the countries' top colleges.