"The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow"
- Nelson Mandela

Urban Hope 2018 - Makhi
Street Leader Initiative
Through our “Street Leader” initiative, dozens of our children have grown to become confident leaders and noble young citizens in their churches, schools, and neighborhoods.
All of our children are encouraged to walk as Christ-like servant leaders in every aspect of their lives.
Many of them experience levels of hardship and sorrow that is unimaginable, yet they have not allowed a victimization mentality to paralyze them.
Instead, they are moving forward to be wounded healers and ministering leaders in our troubled world in which they “shine like stars in the universe, boldly holding forth the word of LIFE!”

Urban Hope 2018 - 002
The steps we take to mentor the next generation
Step 1
Our leadership training begins in Kindergarten!
Each following year, we walk with our children all the way through to adulthood.
God called them to be leaders and lights in the darkness. Our role is to encourage, equip and educate them on how to fulfill their calling.
From their youngest years, they aspire to be "Street Leaders" as they watch their older peers flourishing and leading well.
Step 2
We connect with our children through Literacy outreach, Kids Zone and Summer Camp. All of our mentoring begins with love, joy and practical help. Next we teach them character and godly leadership principles.
From 6th grade onward we give them more and more responsibility, paired with encouragement and accountability. When they are ready, we help them to lead and shepherd the younger children.
Step 3
We encourage all of our kids to join a local Church youth group. We have partnered for many years with New Hope Community Church and many other churches that take discipleship and leadership development seriously.
This additional level of leadership development in the inter-generational setting of a church is crucial to our youth becoming effective leaders.
Step 4
We have many partners to help our youth get gainful employment or to pursue further education.
Our New Life 4MEE initiative is changing lives.
M entoring
E ducation
E mployment
Our youth are pursuing their DREAMS.
Knowing that God used us to help our youth become the leaders they where meant to be is greatly fulfilling.